Ohio holds its presidential primary March 4 along with Texas. 俄亥俄州同德克萨斯州一样,将于3月4号举行党内初选。
But his often confrontational approach that kept his name in presidential primary talks for months was demonstrated in a shouting match today with a student who is a also a former Navy SEAL. 富有争议的言论使得他数月以来都在总统初选对话占据一席之地,今天与一个曾是海豹特种部队成员的学生有了激烈的争吵。
The Republican presidential contenders hold their first major debate Monday in the northeastern state of New Hampshire, which will hold the first presidential primary early next year. 共和党总统竞选者星期一将在东北部的新罕布什尔州举行第一场重大辩论。第一场总统候选人初选明年早些时候将在这里进行。
It will be almost a year before Republicans can begin the process of selecting their presidential nominee through a series of state caucuses and primary votes. 现在距离共和党人启动通过各州预选会议和初选来挑选本党总统候选人的过程,还有将近1年的时间。